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WGV New Products 7/27 - Aqua E-Liquid/Salts | WGV Hiring Event | WGV Huntley Adoption Event
Another hit by Marina Vape, we are FULLY STOCKED on AQUA SOUR MELON ICE eliquid and AQUA SOUR MELON and SOUR MELON ICE nic salts at Wise Guys Vapes!An instant hit, Aqua Sour Melon is a juicy blend of candied watermelon sprinkled with sugar and a hint of tart, sour flavor. The ice version is [...]
WGV New Products 6/14 - Freemax Twister | uWell Caliburn | Lokee Box Vape |
Think you have what it takes to be a Wise Guy or Gal? Come on down toWise Guys Vapes Westmont, 6601 S Cass Ave TODAY, June 14th, 2019 from Noon till 4PM. We will be doing on the spot interviews so make sure you bring your resume! Food and drinks will be provided!!! https://www.facebook.com/events/1724583377687631/
WGV Weekly Update 5/2 - UWELL Blocks Mod | EonSmoke Fruit Pods | Noms x2 | TWST Salt
WE ARE EXCITED TO WELCOME THE HIT TWST SALT HONEYDEW MELON CHEW AND TWST SALT PINK PUNCH LEMONADE SALTS TO OUR JUICE RACKS AT WISE GUYS VAPES!An employee favorite, the award-winning folks over at Twist E-liquids have now joined in the Nic Salt game with their hit flavors!Honeydew Melon Chew: an exquisite blend of fresh [...]
WGV Weekly Products - CKS THNDR | Horizon Falcon King Tank | SXMini Mi Class
EXCITED to welcome in the new CKS THNDR 240W TC BOX MOD paired with the CKS BOLT SUB-OHM MESH TANK to Wise Guys Vapes!With the combined VOCHIPSET offering immediate ramp up times, supporting multiple common battery types including 18650, 20700, and 21700, as well as offering a remarkable user interface and multiple customization options, the [...]
DANK E-Juice | Zalt JUUL Pods | NEW UWell Crown 4 Colors | Mesh Crown 4 Coils | Samsung 40T Batteries
TASTE THE RAINBOW!Wise Guys Vapes is proud to welcome back the Dank line to our juice racks!OG: the ORIGINAL Gangsta, OG is a delicious candy flavor reminiscient of your childhood favorites, chewy on the inside with a hard shell outside. An exquisite blend of Grape, Lemon, Line and Orange candies!BUSA: a SOUR compliment to the [...]
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