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WGV Weekly Update 5/17 - Coastal Clouds Premium Vapor | Innokin Z-Biip | Desire Design Pro
"Summer, summer, summertimeTime to sit back and unwind"Say HELLO TO SUMMERTIME CHI with these new additions by Coastal Clouds to our juice racks at Wise Guys Vapes!E-liquids:BLOOD ORANGE MANGO SNOW CONE: a refreshing snow cone bursting with tangy mango, sweet blood orange, tart lemon and zesty lime!BLUEBERRY LIMEADE: sit back and unwind in a taste [...]
WGV Weekly Update 5/2 - UWELL Blocks Mod | EonSmoke Fruit Pods | Noms x2 | TWST Salt
WE ARE EXCITED TO WELCOME THE HIT TWST SALT HONEYDEW MELON CHEW AND TWST SALT PINK PUNCH LEMONADE SALTS TO OUR JUICE RACKS AT WISE GUYS VAPES!An employee favorite, the award-winning folks over at Twist E-liquids have now joined in the Nic Salt game with their hit flavors!Honeydew Melon Chew: an exquisite blend of fresh [...]
WGV Weekly Update 4/26 - SixT Disposable Devices | The Berg by Innevape
This week, we are bringing in one of the top selling e-liquids on the market, HEISENBERG (THEBERG), to our juice racks at Wise Guys Vapes . A spot on blue slushie, Heisenberg has been an INSTANT hit with our customers and employees!Nic Salts available in 30ml bottles in 50mg Nicotine Available in 0, 3, and [...]
Weekly Products 4/5 - JYNX Pod System by Craving Vapor | Innokin EQ | Eonsmoke
We are fully stocked on the new, ultra portable, refillable pod vaporizer, the Innokin EQs and it's pods at Wise Guys Vapes!The EQs is powered by advanced Plex3D mesh coils with 'micro-grooves', increasing the total coil surface area for more intense flavors. Plex3D coils heat-up and cool-down faster than traditional coils, extending coil life and [...]
Weekly Products - Jam Monster PB & Jam | Chain Vapez Gravity | Horizon Coils
We are FULLY STOCKED on the Limited Edition PB & Jam Monster Strawberryby the good folks over at Jam Monster!An exquisite blend of creamy peanut butter with fresh strawberry jam, it'll have you reminiscing about your favorite lunch time treat!Available in 100 ml bottles in 0, 3, and 6mg NicotineShop PB & Jam Strawberry by [...]
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